must be considered in light of the new Marshall Tslands Health Care System.
This system is just being developed under contract with a Seventh Day Adventist
Health Maintenance Organization.

I understand that President Kabua has just

submitted a letter to the Burton and Yates Committee requesting $250,000 for
the funding of this effort.

T understand from the Seventh Day Adventist

group that tentative plans have been made to staff Majuro Hospital with an
internist, a surgeon and a general practitioner.

Information from the DOI

indicates that the construction of the new hospital at Majuro will probably
be deferred for at least 2 years.
continue to be marginal, at least

Consequently, the medical facilities will
for this period of time,

and probably for

an additional 2 years both at Majuro and Ebeye.
The series of options might begin with an on-site coordinated support
program utilizing the Public Health Service Health Professionals working in
conjunction with the Seventh Day Adventist HMO.

This option,



not address the primary health care problems of the Marshall Islands which are:




These problems can be solved with

the proper application of existing technologic resources.
Islands Government at

the present

both of these areas.

We understand they are in the process of putting

STOL (short take off and landing)


The Marshall

is making a concerted effort to upgrade

strips on most of the atolls and have purchased

two STOL aircraft.
The dispensary facilities at the outer island atolls certainly must be
upgraded and the communication facilities strengthened.

There must be as

a minimum, reliable voice communication and the facility for air evacuation.
Telecommunications via satellite between CDC Atlanta and Micronesia are
already functional.

This technology could be expanded to be used between the

major health care facilities on Majuro and the outer atolls.

The ability to

utilize daily video communications with medical experts at the Majuro Hospital



Select target paragraph3