Department of BNL.

My comments will be directed only to the alternatives

for the BNL inter€ace with the DOI health care system.
During the development of the Burton Bill, one of the authors, Ted
Mitchell, consulted with our BNL staff, asking for our opinions about current
and past medical experiences in the Marshall Islands.

The BNL Medical

Survey Teams over the last 26 years have provided in essence, periodic high
quality medical care,
and Utirik.

specifically for the people of Rongelap, Ailingnae

In addition, particularly over the last five years, we have been

called on as consultants for primary care,

interacting with the Trust

Territory and more recently with the Marshall Island Health Care Delivery

Our original mandate from the Department of Energy was to monitor

the exposed population of those atolls for the earliest effects of radiation

and to treat those conditions expeditiously.

The radiation related pathology

detected to date has been limited almost exclusively to the thyroid gland,
except for one case of acute myelogenous leukemia.

The rest of the medical

care delivered by the BNL medical temas has really been nonradiation related.
During 1979 approximately 1,000 Marshallese were seen on three separate
field visits.

We currently hold well over 1,000 active medical charts for

the exposed and “comparison” populations containing clinical data for the
last 26 years.

We feel it would be appropriate to continue to offer our

services specifically in the detection and treatment of radiation-related
The ambiguities of the bill will almost certainly overload the system

with nonradiation related illnesses.
solutions to this problem.

A number of alternatives exist for the

A spectrum of options could be envisioned ranging

from a very narrow and precise definition of the term "radiation-related
diseases" to the much more likely Marshallese interpretation including all
people impacted psychologically by the weapons test program.



These options

Select target paragraph3