"The plan shall set forth specific agencies responsible
for implementing the various elements of the plan...
Secretary (DOI)


shall establish a scientific advisory

‘committee to review and evaluate the implementation of the
plan and to make such recommendations for its improvement as
such committee deems advisable...At the request of the

Secretary (DOI), any federal agency shall provide such
information, personnel, facilities, logistic support, or
other assistance as the Secretary deems necessary to carry
out the functions of this program."

A review of the previous listed abstracts of PL 96-205 would indicate
that the Secretary of the Interior and his designated administrators will
be responsible for the development, implementation and operation of the
mandates of the bill.

The bill also includes the following statement,

“with respect to general health care,

the Secretary shall consider and

shall include in his recommendations, the feasibility of using the Public
Health Service.

After consultation with the Chairman of the National

Academy of Sciences, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Defense, and
the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, the Secretary (DOI)


establish a Scientific Advisory Committee to review and evaluate the implementation of the plan and make such recommendations for its improvement as
such Committee deems advisable."
It appears then that the operational management will be the responsibility of Interior, acting under the advice of the "Scientific Advisory

I would imagine that the Secretary of the Interior will attempt to
establish a medical care system patterned after the Indian Health Care Service
funded through the DOI.

I am not familiar with the details of the

operational capabilities of the Public Health Service other than some

Select target paragraph3