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Radiation-Associated Thyroid Carcinoma


Subsequently there was continuing development of thyroid nodules in the Rongelap and Ailingnae
populations and more recently in the least exposed
Utirik population.
At present 40 of 243 exposed
Marshallese (16.5%) are affected (ratio of females to
males affected is 2:1).
Table 2 shows the numbers of
benign and malignant tumors in the different groups
with estimated average thyroid dose and comparison of
those exposed at < 10 and > years of age.
There appears to be a dose related response, with the greatest
incidence of tumors in the Rongelap children (75%).
Thyroid surgery has been performed on 31 exposed
Marshallese and 3 unexposed \/.
The thyroid glands of
most of the exposed Rongelap people undergoing surgery
contained multiple nodules or areas of adenomatous

Often those with only one palpable nodule

proved to have multiple nodules.
Microscopic examina‘tion showed that many of the lesions were surrounded
by a capsule and, unlike the remainder of the gland,
had distinct histological patterns ranging from microfollicular to fetal, solid, or embryonal types, and

many showed hemorrhagic or degenerative changes (6).

Adenomatous changes were not unlike those seen in
chronic iodine deficiency, except that most of the
goiters were smaller in the Marshallese.
Many of the
glands were found to contain minute lesions, some
composed of solid cell masses, which, although conSidered benign, were composed of discrete areas of

atypical cells suggestive of malignant potential.
Seven cases of cancer of the gland have been found,


in females, 2 in the younger age group (see Table 3).
These tumors were relatively well differentiated, 3
papillary, 1 follicular, and 3 mixed types.
Two were
2-3 cm, 3 about 1 cm and 2 between .5 and 1 cm in size
and all were the tumor of concern on palpation.
had localized metastasis or blood vessel invasion.
latent periods varied between 11 and 22 years.
Most of
the women in whom cancer was diagnosed had multiple
pregnancies prior to development of their tumors.
than 5 years has elapsed in five cases without evidence
\Y Thyroid Surgery was done by Drs. B.M. Dobyns, Case
Western Reserve U, B. Colcock, Lahey Clinic and L.C.





Broadus, U.S.



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