Fae ae cme ne me



eee wee meena nm nA mn a UI are mA A et tnaR PE Tn ne MM ee





aeRO EPR ARM enOn Ne ree em mE Te eee

low, tecasse sampling inictg faced dowerind and ambiert air vetoemnics were much higher can
samcting intake velochies. Animal vei-lickiag is a peaside socree cf tine in the autanal dvi.”
Ta etivive the alr came Gla as messurenwests relaed to inernal uae, the ait comple

atuunytiees. Thete zrerage eoucentrations are alse presented iy Tebie 3.26, and is etll bz
rotrg (st there iz ne correlation with anja doses, an iafication tiat the eseumptioss were


iecctngaste Gar the purpose cf celertainizg an averzrs. pearessrstica.


gress OF comiaminants On the D-592 are presented in Table 3.27. The estinales of external
se reselted hs a wide range ui valees (2:4 quite a Mt of weceriainty). For each veribied
Ctanparizstat, the tower external dose estimates (0.5 lo 2 r} represent less than J percest of





mately 9% percent of the total dese ta thrse coiunparimects. Note tha! for full-power 2-boiler

Operstica, with ventilation syssens ocen (a norsul cperaling corcition) the firercore e<.imates

should bo wivkiztied by a lactor of Qee BR The lighor cose estizales for ihe two veerisied


reomackinery comporticents, thosgh gate unrelincie, are ks6 than 50 pereeat of the etal ere


tn theae Patty eblelacd commients.
Fike¢cateermal ibeg one dese estinntes gee fer 28 eiposese St bees, ita larce poriiva a
2 whvebinecd fey
# las? cure ake5a

eo tt
bower ectivesies ef ext
*qanue tay reductican bcwn574 627



io ,








ave serail camp ced to cascs ieuin exteveat OUTCES.




3.5.2 fenerComiderations. | Tae dower’ dis bo transient erter ior rriiation sxncces re-

~dee to the ingreis of contwalnaats. The transi cose is, thersiord, the Come of pro





store. a it2 ta Saricus crbicai organs wool? ct
<8, nas aay mote ehonoes fa opierisiegw. Iotccrsd

parted ty Eraperis 2.1 sas 2.3 ore ensakionanly higver Gime the Mobest discsesti




Ecs eee a Coposition «f moatasictes omade Ube bode amfor & his
¥ eacosare ard0 geaeratsay









cey con

ere te & weIpen- calivery sbin, aad reccction of this dese sdeakd Certlemsal, WH tdu reduction
is acvenysished by maneuveviag to avoie tie base sueze er Cloud, thea Lic lege coe vf eonininl-

Baste gisl4 nv longer require consideration, H the dose reduction is accun-c ished by ehichtng

azd the <2 operates within tle base sarge or cloud, ther ibe dose due to theress ef con tamiogris could be the priucipal dese in scane-compurtotets. 1 the ship cprraies witha the
corlines cf the base surge or cluud without additional si.aiving, the gelative contribulioa to |

the total dsee by the ingress dose would determine whether revnction or climiization of the -

ingress dose should be uttoempled. Io any case the internsl Essewill seldoce, if ever, be
Significast with respect to other sourecs ef doze Gelivery.
fi seems probable thsi personnel «a weaporwdclivery ship may suffer repeated exposures
during a mission or consccrtive missions and Uni come system of dose limite topethes with
Operauorst requiierrents will determineuccessity and amourt ef shielbling requircd to meet
“these Lumas. Such judgment would also require considerate of the: douse dve to the ingress cf
romawirats, particularilyin the case of firerooms and compurtments with bigh-capacily vontilatios systems.







higher dose estimates {pr a fireroona (15 7) and veriilated exgine room (31 r)'represest approxi






the tow case, ‘snd in the firerooms (3 to 4 r) abeest 3 and 15 peccent of the weal dese. The




3 External acd ntermiDoses. Estimates of external aad iateraal doses dae to the lo”











activity was converte! to average microcurica pes wit tobe cf oir sxmplen,” eased on cevezal


P ee

a a me a ee oR Ge te eR ee ee




mr ae

Tee co get ty Gene bd ig eet rae Ot Prot eA Whe CC) eas pavaayo.

cen wee eT TAT OY TOF RPOAEeg RSEEY oe ae >


AFAReteetAbaAAACN 6 mer




es weet BRS PR am 8 oe

Select target paragraph3