

TAY 24 Banete iifsecears, remreteny fae may r
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Te eeees a eR NeReNON LONERED OR ae SE ERR TOS eee ner Oe apeORE tery

availabie sugxest « possible explanatron. The vifert of wiad is io create a fagh-pressu:e ‘region
on the windward face of a simesere and a low-presewe repos wo leeward If it is assumed Unt
sampling times were uniform (a reaccomible assemotia becanse the 4)-koet wied wosh! waiferz-

ly clear airborne material trou Use vierssty of the olig), Chen wrerage retivity concentrations


for the time cf sampling would be Hrepertional t{ e te total samples collected. The hich- acd
low-pressure regions to starboard aad port cual. cause Cilerences ia airborne coucesirations,
which are refiected by the dilferences in starboardand pest total sample coliectio2s.
Strnidar circunustances spyly te it galtey vemaciiom. Here the starboarsi Byrnes ete
fation iniet nay Rave been in the low-pressure rerion, whick is ereated by. a wind oa iop of a
Structure near the windward edge, ius dblivering Lower concentrations to ihe starboard side
Of the galley. This air current would have idle opoortuaity lor miaing with 2iv from oiber
“Indets. A second pessibtiity is that the ciarboard asmpler was not in the privcipal airvath and, =
becausé of thes, sampled relatively dilute concentrations of aurhorne material.
Sainpler activity collections front the starboard side of the upske space and from the diree-




ter plaulvrin were iegg Uian thuse fron the sLirboyrd vergilauon intckes. This imy hw the resuit




than fer the irtake tnorples
The activity in the crews quarters alr sumpice (Statins 13 cod 14) were ouch Meas thet




activity ie the intake atx sone (aalign J)! ‘his dulerecwe etigd be cee [9 2 es, sbirattes ef
the folluwins: (1) Ci stien Cas to mixing wits elcoa nip be De corrariment, (0) 2 hort sarshing
tine period ducto the hifisad shape of fa vetssae of cor
vied aiz carrled post “ue air
sampler » aod 13) loss cd airbsrwe atlivdy dat is dopasitic «in Cacts aitfor cemarinecrd
Aa inspection of the veatilated conictment aerflow charactes3 diss stvea in Table 22 ini- |
cates that radisactive mater cl eovid be intrecoted infa test eeaaricentsfrom immediately
to withia 5 to 10 seconds alter i. was avaiable 22 wertilaties intake clesings. Tas eslinriod
‘times of availability for the Lictint concentrations are sheet with respect be ih: (imc: te crarge
atr ln a com:tztment; hence, the vulume of such activity couccnirations is gore fraction af the

total room veivine. The short time of iuireduction, Uie Sand welomcs with xi apect ta rece

volumes, and the delivery of these ictal volumes as stazler wilumes bythe ventilation disiribation systems 5% .\arying distances frem exhaust termirals would iead to the conclusion that there
was hale opnurtunity for uaiform activity coneentralions throughout a lest compartwent. B
Seems most probavle that samplers were sampling discrete volumes of contacinated air, and
that there was little opportunity for mixing exceptnear the exhaust terminals. U samplers did
: Sample disercte volumes of contaminated air, it is probable that the contaminated air contributed
to the dose rates in the compartmem for a time period both before and after the sampling period.
la thie apes, 2 2omnie catlection is something less thaa weeessary for conversionto Gos» rates
. and may compensate to some unknown Ceogrce for the assompiou of uaiform distribution of racie- active material, which should provide an overestimate ef dase rates. ”

3.1.4 Surface Sample Data. The data is prerented in Taii< 3.2 135 the count rate at the ime

of counting.

The uptake space, guiley, and compartment huusing the Crunk for the ventilator

inutke lo the crews Quarters were locations for which the bicghest sample counts were obtained.

Although the Suriace samplers represetd a very Smatisazipling of the tota’ surface in each

coc.partment, theyare adequate to show the localized nature of deposition. In 2]! spaces except —



the uptake sce, the samples chosing significant deposition were located on chatructions or

{tings such as air Sampler frames. Thedata indicates little deposition oa decks or bulkheads
except in the uptake space.






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of low sampling cflicteney, and aise, in ihe case of the uptake space, the principal airrath may
havebypassed ihe samoalers.
tn the engine room, the three Samplers colketed appruximately equal amounts ot netivity.
However, it seems unlikely that Unis was the resait of usiferm contenirations cf activity but
rather the net eifect of smuplirg diierert cuncentratioas for estnpencaling times ef sampling.
Sampler Number 10 samped air Colivered Gy tha port supAly system, and the total ec
was ips
Bronte ately twiee thet cf {ae itake sampler. Samer Numbers Moond 12 eco obo sir
delivered by th: starboard surply system, and scmple actitity collectians were slightly highey ..

Select target paragraph3