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Toe fasowing cists uienis were eed for TadWetliee 43405055


‘The animal tissue counter was 2 Muciear-Chicago Ds 5-5 scintillation cetectcr [well counter}


asdecaler. It wescalibrated with Ca'!, ca?, and Ce sonvees.



Air and surf2c7 sample activity wee courted with a liedias AN/UDR-0 ecdler wig 4 Ral

efyatal ecintillali:+-detecting untt. Activity éctermicatiow of vir ramples wheee const ryte
was too bigh for ine UDR-8 were made in 2 6-9 jonicationcatinker. This unk wied a witzationg

read electrometer znd wae calibrate! agaluct 2 Co™ nada rifirm eperce. Leahorntery-

teterizined coaversion fac ivro were weed & convert 4-2 Loaizationchasster teagurcenentsis
equitziert ULEt-9 measersnz











2.2.7 Test ead Wstrors-nt Installations. Thé tnctruneis Ceoerived above, with thaexcepthon of tne counting equipment, were installed of tie USS Derverta (DD-592) at locatices bres
"ts Figure 2.10. ‘The cot: izie GITR array is shown is. Figure 2.11. Three spaces were utilized

for studies of contamiraiiza ingress via ventilation sysiexrs: the galley, the after (2%) crews
Quarters, and the aster engine roum. Figures 2.12 tkroarn 2.34 show the arrasgernent of these —

Spaces and a Schemstic drawing of the air systems. A tiene. was Wnstalled in c2ch cxhanst

system te indzre 20 percent cf rated airflaw. The galley af crewt quarters were utripped of

most cGuips:ert to provide roomfor instrementation acd to elimingce possible cemaminstion of
the equipmiesi. Although inoperctive, the after engine roum w2eact stripped.
Ote boiler asi the assuctated combustion alr syeters, reated ia Ove after trersom, TAO

a ae

utilized fur studies of ingcress via “yler co:stertion air (Fiesre £25), Nos. 5 aunt G fercaddrait Liowers were cpcraied at fell- power capacity ereresionctely,50,630 £3opin cach, totcling

d4,F09 RY:in}, iercang ai throush ila. Stier, whitS cas eniirch AY fircreon epaninst
aad fittings were cecured or binnked sp that dae eniy secre of neeeinalion inte the worming’
preas wra the lerbace fromihe comtcsifen afer dysiom. f ere2.16 hoes Ure general Crvarcee
west, including tue jucation ¢1 iitlrwaesnic L. Ose ster
Exetra;centation ta cach ef the tert eprces waa tl eh: cacutietog of a OPT.A, teooe
or iret
increyental air
al@iS, ae fetal aly vorcglic, GocTine ser thera, as oral rtelies, xtaa


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Addithowal bere cectal alt G2:wwers neve fastalicd ta ewicli ale te wees CyaMewigake lara
| tac (Figures 2.27 ard 2.59), tn the afierrgieke space (FE
BAG, card en ea Gicirewendt .
pisiloral consirected aten the fersard gun Givecion. Ase mee oaal enumal ctaticu eas also; Clocaied on thin rinticrem.
Surface sazmtiers were taped: ta decke, bulkheace, acd evebheeds in the four tert cosnpesimena, compartrests costataing -vertiailon-inteke Aceting:, aad the aiterupcke apace.




Biclty surface samplers were Instaledfor cach suet ct kaccticas ebose in Figvve 2.02,

Two instrument- starting elrealls werc tortalled, coe for eli GITR recorders aboard the ship

(Reference 1£) and onc for the aly samyler2, an integral pact of the increieental els cazuyler

timing circuft. Each scarting circuit was rorpoted of a relay syeterm activated ty a master
relay connected to the Edgerton, Germesiausea 2.3 Crier, tne. £GEG) H-§ minute ratte
timing-signal receiver relzy.
Power for t air samplers wss supplied by the ship's emergency. diesel generar; ..

level and one to the lower level ct an acute angie to Ue fevizonesl, fn this latter case, ali ducts


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° 2.4.8 Test Con:artment Airflow Characteristics: Pertinest cooipartin tnt and atritew cata

ks given in fabics 2.) ami 2.2. The,data Jemoustrates the gress differcnces in volumes, Dow
rates, and consequent rates of alr change that led ts the selection of those conpartmenty. fclJental to this selection was a variety of air distributie:patterns, Sections of beth the galley |
and engine room were relatively dead alrzpaces, wheroct tre crews quarters ind a relatively
uniform disitritiion of air. Each space kad a diffe rent air delivery pattern: in the galley,
through three openinzs in the overhesd across the compartnent, the air delivery was vertically
downward; in the crews quarters, alr was delivered rerticzily downward glont 9 foot above the
deck from six ducts; and in the engine recm, air was c:.tvcred via three Gucta to the uppar

Select target paragraph3