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A Milipore Liter aus added asa ft Stage t@ Collect ary partic’ S ttat might stull be entrained
im the airstream. .
The caileciten characteristics of the campilng head were Eateruatzedo adjusiing ihe airflow

threagh the head to 2.0 ft'/raia and exposing it to necosols of cioety! pittalate for several rarsow
Fangs of particie sine (Figure 2.5). Wall lossec were determinedhy cxpooure cf the camper

to an xerpeol doving a wide range of particle sizes anJ tagged wih radizactivity. These 221i

losses werefezad to be approximately 4 pereeat of the total activity passing through 2 samplicg
beet, teorder tu asistcs sir vetositios through cath stage equal te che calibsativa volor2t
i was necosacry to uc2 aw oaction antl thet wuld maintaia the calibration ativw od 7.6 HSy/aaiia

oves the renge of pressure drop caused by fier leading. The A.C. Schmidt 2-AFR coratant-

flow suction unit with 2 capacity af 1.5 12/min (Figure 2.4) vas weed for this purpose. The |
suction unlt was adjusted prior to shot time to pump 1.0 tein as measured by a Flowrator,
which waspreviously caliwated with a wet-iest meter. The principle of ereration of the

Schmiet constant-flow axit is the sarce 25 that of the NRDL 1O-RYroin coaciam-flow suction
unit (Figure 2.3). .
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A typical incremental air sampler atation #s shown in Figare 22. The 12 liter/mta perp



and battery-powered sarepiershown were Inetalled but did ant operate. The supporting irame+ work for each station was shack-mounted, and sampling orifices were nypreniraately 4 feet

4 Antrals. " Getnoa pigs znd izice were used for the inbabition stuxtics. “the ainimests
catefy 3 actos ald at the (base of expoewre. * The avecacge weight of tie cvirea
’ pigs was agiraxizately 205 crams. The average weinht of the mice eas approximaisly 1S
Grass, A t.icd of 142 gainea pigs ar 2 116 vateJc wore shinee’ by air fo the tect site, where
Ciey Weise “sued taa Fortrble facilites| T= ky Ge by J-fon tacts 2 tks) under couirciles
_ COaditions of temeratere and humidity. A stmlinr mait was ited ta bonne ee contracted
anfecwis afier renwvasy.
Exch aniges! ctatien [“.2-re 2.9) consistad of tarce ergts, each pustitioned ints foor coctions,
A Brine pig was pinecd in each @ ES ecctions, Ave mice in exch of tho temeinivy tum erections,
The cages in the four clarad campartments were cquizped wit’a a cooling system Cesigned te
. pass chilled weter taroogh tubing
wgtapiatied on the twa golid-siie pancis of each cage. A ‘emperature-sensing elet.ert was moznted ia the center caze cl each sintios to control the water
cirevlation. Yigure 2.3 is a echematic dlagram of the coding sysiem, which alse cesved al

GITR cootitg cots. This method of ccoling was atopted£6 22 29 persall the aulmuls to iese

body heat by co.iuction, elimirating the need for endewirable -<> nooversent. Drip-type water
bovtles, whith required toe animals to Lick each-crep from the ~d of 2 small tute, were InStalled in eack cage tm each 2 roanner as to ratniivize coutuminction of the water supzly. Tu
” ensure that luterii2} contamination could resull cnly from inhelslion, xo food was previc d for
the animals. The znalmal cages were mounted approriiaaisly 4 feet above the deck. This height
was dictated by practical mounting considerations.
2.1.5 Surface Samplers. Strips of salt-water-sensitive film (4, by ¥ inch) were affixed to

-metal plates the size cf microscope slides (1 by 3 inches}. Two 'j-iach circular holes were
cat fu each plate to permit examination cf the film under a micrescops. The plate-gnd-film

“units were attached to deck, bulkhead, and crerhecd surfaces with tape. The sampting area’

- Was approximately 2 fot. Details of film preparation and eciibratioa for drop size determina~
tion are given in Reference 19.
2.1.6 Temperatere-Iamidity Recorder and Courting Apparatas. Berdixn Fries hygrothermogvaphs, wilaa temperziure range of 16° to 110° F and a relative bumicity range of 0 to 100
percent were inslailed tn each test corpartment. These are stock instra nents requiring fm |
power; the recorder drum is driven by 2 7-day clock rerchanism.,





Select target paragraph3