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lice s) stem in the alter erage resi of te Une Crntineen Hedersuce DL Lees cendisc 5 Dt
Perso.inel balow decks weuld have ween capcced 19 deth2d g-utities ot radioactive -erasal d the
Ventilatioa systems had heen eves ar Corraticy..
Barther ‘ee. were cradetted-abound te DOE Weaewsws CL-1 1). —sdnnative cae
chloride eo uved as a tracer be an nereees zesumed to ciseiets tat whick eld be qeneretc4
by a deco-vstoewaier ewgeribn The suck eas ebccied t Catersine the doyusitios chase

teristice di the aeronel tircagho 2 beer cembuntion afr systen anda frergom veriliciive
system. in ptlitiex, libeeTiory tests were cootseted st the US. Havel Rasolazteal3Deiersa |



Laboratory exerWh) 0s wel els od tphis] veRitlaeais cad comuaativcnas
Studies (-n,aibisbes) nev caied tint large amounts of tbe brater vere Geywciicd along ties ues |
- Of the duets and at chatrertions eithis Ge sybtem, No ettraygé was mate t9 eslimate the rciential radiatica bozard iad the ivacer bwea raciontive.
Theoretical studies Save been made of Lut reciolagical. situation that would exist on motile
ships exposed .o contaminating arresols recaiting [rom an aderwater geclew detonation. Heference 2 is a eiwey of bazards incite to ship builer operation for iwu cases.
_ Cate 1 assumes na cepcsiian ia ie boller sysiems and an outvide zerosol activityof 2

curte/it? ct 1 ratnufe after caronstics.” R was cetimated thet the intolation Lazard (due to beas- |


age of contaminated air Cromthe boiler sysrewc ints thy: boiler room) would be lees then the


20 r respectively for the dover and iower holler roors lorels.*




firme of 10 mivcates elies ans 2,800 & ie tfAros,












ee Cate pee Ger wy *!Lor, 1 dr ta 10 beers,


ealeriations af ra {tetion dose be 2S be ine eed,





Sota bom Copaeiin ets

Porther thecrotion siacteg (leferone D were cade relive to the smilation lavard (.403
contaminated ¢ croseis, cats ving via the -entilattes system. The Cegsce ef Nazard frocis eae
racleactiv iy rugs be evpected to dspead cathe tyre and estent of duct cemamtnation gard the
oequance of “Mowers ol” of “Liovers orBree aud oiter infredaction of contaminaled air.
into the systeri, Pt wos cometuced Unt, had couiiticu “blowers off" existed at all tines, the
estimated caum.: dese would
dhe cetmces to
b apprasinately 3S percert cof that chich would be
expected with blowers ox, Based ca activity of Sts 8 curies-‘te? at 3 minute, it was concluding |
that the “blowers cl!” cundiion weal resait in o@ reductene of combat efficiency trom external




gamma dose.
Tests were conducted on tie ventilation aadboiler Fir eyste wa of Shizs (YAG's 39 and 40)


gubjseted to the faliest from mOTAOS- Tarp? Curae txplashes during Overation Casle. From
these tests, % was cotercnined that, far th. conditinas reecigy co Operation Casile, an arerage
* alrbornsa-activity concestration in unpretecy dl vesiilation tet eomycriments was on the order
ef 0.C2 percent of that averige cov-cestratio:. [cum weatherside (Reference 6). Deta from paperfilter and electroststic Precio goctecy ve Covices is the ventilatica systems gave even
lower vajses.
“The contamirating evevis turing Canta were busizal 7 éileress. fais those caring fiat Eaxer.
Correlation cf results Seated from Opervarcas Castle; Bartack, sc Cresereads will be CIf-

Bee ee ee


Se Ne mre Meme me



ventilation cr combusti-n, aa ech as rocsietres pnts ed emery rodisthyn [siesscr uno wii




expased Sor *9 boas cp sere word renive 2 ee gress
tor hae:
wees ence c},
The retells Anne) G's ihoretital ¢
iset nike Rees ooAtrmesies werk|
depositica of radionstir. y ia duets witida ciinbeard ‘seates marcia be freedair cys




Foy Case 2, enthmaies ef oesey 19 perlernel fu Cre etoes level of a Loter Poon were ee
nee abyclans Het Cnet
aoeurcing thet elt cf idee feet fren
. Phe cecaciee alr wen dons
eyrier, fstumbag se
svistien cfd caringict Scere anact as.







ee rn ore












TL minute atier shel zed 3 sing time ef 19 minstes, The maxisean ctlcelaied dxsted were 22224




permiscible amount listed ka Reterecce 3. Estisnztes of the exierval Lezard in phe boiler rea
and pearby spaces Cos 49 ractctie: 2t.n esatamimnied Nir & beer aystemea, ond in the boiler
room through lecitace trove the boller syctems, were waxieeom Lased on 2 chip entry lime af -



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