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Ext. eral Dee Rates Willis te Atver tnpene Puen et E
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28 Estinetcd Alrhowie iaLagiive Center bvtt Soh MT GAR


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Altos Ciast Unieritaw~~-owaacn enc en ene s posren mean renee

3.9 Metouite) Aleuerns Rules ive Coamenitrrtians aan hecero
Exiormt Dose Paies oreNa tie AGer Cec eistas of
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tinkerdts “nei ne tee me en eee eee en enter ee

3.46 Eetimeat7 EogesGaraa Hastation Pose Dae to Aisteris


Radicactivity Within Fest Conyarimeacty ef 182-578, *
After Shot Unbrelin - -- 20 9 2 eee ee eee ee eee eee ene
3.15 Estinvted Maximum Duse Rales Due to Comtzminaied SeaPees
la Test Commarimests Calculsicd troei Sasiaee Suse,
. W)-592, Shot Uimorella----- -- ----+ -- + -~-- +--+ ee en ee ee ee
. 2.2 Estlnated Dose Rates and Ovee in Calley from fel to 9510
Mirzies Due to Depositid Ocitaminats, O6)-592, fort Ueibrela-----+-_
3.23 Total Dose and Summary of Extimates of External Gomme i se
Due tw the Jagress of Cuntzmirants, 23-502, Shel Tecirelias s-0- eevee

* 3.24 Gamrea Survey Reodings Taies Atvard


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3.15. Averc ce 24-Hour fiawma Yoses “torr OO Fag,

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3.25 Ynteroch Devt to Baus, Etirets2 fret Moule ard Zoiasa Tig Pata,
Shae Crmretia ~~ on ee ee ew ee ee eee we ene

13.26 Conzeriscaci Air Sample asd Aninai Dats, Soe) (eclirclites or er ee ee ene
3.27 Estimstes toterarl and interne! Doges Due ta the “pres of

Cotaminausds, D,



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1.1 Hypothetical! curve for the ingress Of radicactive imatertl, showing a
| weistiac, beiaween airborne aut deposited mitertal ------------ eee


assv-inz all material to be airborne-----+--~---~ wee mee meet em wne


1.2 Hypot!hatreal curves far ihe angress of radWicaciive suscriad, ©

1.3 . Hypeineticai curve-for the ingress cf radioactive material,


asswaing a] material to be depusited -~ 2+ <2 - eee eee ee enn ere en
1.4 Steps in rarisalizing noningress comparimert.dvee rates ts
inp.-es compatimernt dose rates to Ghiain done rates
doe to ingress by difference +0 +22 enn - ee ent see en eee ren

24 Typical GiTit statics -~------ one ee ne eee en eee eee een eee
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Select target paragraph3