
Pot Fallout Collections for Radiostrontium


New York City

The New York City collection pot (exposed surface 0,82 re?)
is maintained on the roof of the Health and Safety Laboratory building.
The following are the conditions of collection and analysis:


Samples were collected weekly from February 195 through
December 1956.


Since January 1957, samples have been collected monthly.


Duplicate pots have been exposed since July 1956,


Samples have been collected at the end of a calendar period
regardless of whether this coincided with the end of a period
during which precipitation occurrede
Recent results of New York City fallout are summarized in

Table 1.

The cumulative data are plotted in Figure l.
Normally the cumulative error term represents the counting

error but when more than two samples are analyzed for the same period,
the standard error of the mean is shown and incorporated into the
cumulative error term,

Select target paragraph3