p. 43°44 Letter of December 31, 1958, from Seymour to Wolfe with limited

_/taformation on the radioactivities of reef fish from the August,

1958 collection.
pp. 45-46 “Average gross beta activity in Rongelap fish muscle collected

August 1958". Completed 2/13/59 by Eisler.
pp. 47-48 Total
activity of fish tissues from the Aug. 1958 collection.



p. 49 A description of the procedure of evaluating the self absorption
correction factor for the invertebrate and plankton samples. (Bonham)
p. 50 A note on the contribution of Nardtack to the gross beta activity of
the invertebrates. (Bonham)
pp- 51-56 Decline curves (graphe of grese beta activities for collections
from March 25, 1954 to August, 1958 of the following invertebrates:
coconut crab, barmit crab, clam, sea cucumber, snail and coral.
pp. 5765 Tabulated data upon which the daclines curves are based. Data for
the July, 1956 « July, 1957 - March, 1953 - and August, 1958 collec~
tions are given.
pp. 66°67 “Comparison of levels of beta radioactivity in invertebrates at
Rongelap Atoll ins March with those in August 1958 ---",

p. 68 8r90 tn the muscle of lend crabs, 1956 ~ Aug., 1958.
p- 69 Sr% in the liver of land crabs, 1956 - Merch, 1958.

p. 70 Srtn the skeletons of land crabs, 1956 - March, 1958.

p. 71 Gross beta activity of fat and non fat fractions of coconut crab liver.
p. 72 Strontium units angcalcium in coconut crab liver, March, 1958.
p. 73 Distribution of §r™
within the liver of the coconut crab.


Pp. 74-75 Decline curve of gross beta radioactivity in coconut and Pandanus.

p- 76 Gross beta radioactivity of Pandanus, March 1954 to Aug. 1953.

p. 77*81 “Grose beta activity in land plante - Rongelap Atoll - Feb.-March,


p. 82 Casium-137 in Pandanus samples collected at Bongelap Atoll March and

August, 1958".
p. 83 "sr90 in land plants collected at Rongelap I.

March 1953.

p. 3 "gr90 tn land plants collected at Enfaetok I. March 1958.

p. 85 “sr90 in land plants collected at Kabelle I. March 1953.

p. 86 Srin Scaevola leaves - July, 1957, March, 1958.

p. 87 $r90 and total calcium of edible plants, July, 1957.

p-» 88 Srand total calcium of plants and soila, Jvly, 1957.

p. 89-90 Gross beta radioactivity land plants and algae, Kabelle, 1957.

pp. 91-92 Grose beta radioactivity land plants and algae, Rongelap I., 1957.

pp. 93 Gross beta radioactivity land plants and algae Aflinginae, 1957.


p. 94 "Strontium-90 in bone samples from rats collected at Rongelap Island,
March 1958”.
~ 1il -


Select target paragraph3