
nk a Fe el eli, oll mt ee ee mee

" a2e

that they confront in regards to the radiation and its effects.
6 Some years eco, the ESDA doctors discovered thet a mmber of ths Utirit
poople bad adult-onset clabetes, and said thet 25% of the people had the

a) iy haven't the ERDA doctors given medicins to the peonlo tho have ths
disease in Utirik (cedicins: DLabinesa)?
b) Dr. Konrad Kotrady nad asked ths Trust Terrdtory Cov'te (in Maturo) for


the nedicine (Dicbirase), and they refused to givo hin any for the
peonis of Utirik, and therefore, the people with this disease kava rot
been proverly treatede

7e At present, ths people of Utdirik hare much fear of the radtation that can3
fron the bomb:

' g) Therefore the people of Utirik feel ths necd to have zomeone cans out
and co a study of Utirlk for possible linsering radiation.

b) Tho people of Utirlk feel that thelr arrovroot has teen danared as a
Sm ee a a em

result of tho radiation.

At present thse arrowroot stalss measure ona

foot, whereas before the radiation toey measured five feete

AS you can sea, the peonle of Utirik are very distressed and enery esa
result of the radiations ths pewpls feel Vat the seba Prograa is in need of
Vast charsese

Atijo Alee ~ Scribe






Robert A. Conard, HeDeoy ERDA

Repe Cuarles Domine, Concress of Hicronesta
Roepe Ataji Palos, Congress of Micronesia
Sone Olympian borja;s Conwess of tdcronesta
Iiste Ad. Oscar Dobmm, Narshalla

Fred Zeder, Dent. of Interior (U3)

| 0 | ? 7 5 4 Sooe Trusteeshin Council, United Nations

Aplos Kios = Irotj (Ciic2)

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