that the; confrent in regards to the radiation and its effects.

-6¢ Soma years eco, tha ESDA doctors discovered thet a number of ths Utirik

poople hed eculi~onset diabetes, and said thet 25% of the people had the

a) iy haven't the ERDA doctors given medicina to the people tho have the
disease in Utirik (cedicire:


b) Dre Xoxrad Kotrady nad asked the Trust Terrdtory Cov'te (in Maturo) for
the nedicine (iNcbinase), and they refused to give hin any for the

people of Utirik, and therefore, the people with this disease haya not

been properly treatede


7e At present, the people of Utirdik have much fear of the radiation that cans
fron the benb:

a) Therefore the people of Utirik feel the necd to have goneone coms out
end do a study of Utirik for possibie linzering radiation,

b) Tho people of Utirls feel that thelr arrowroot has been danaped as a
result of ths radiation.

Av presant the arrowroot stealis measure ona

foot, whereas before thea radiation they measured Tive reste

AS you can ses, the peonle of Utirik are very distressed and encry esa
result of the radiations Ths petple feel that tha ERDA Progran is in need at

Vast charsese

ee eS ee

Fi re a

et eectet ae a i en aa Me tM Mn lI a et me cli ol Ee ee wh eee


Atijo Alea - Scribes

7Jlbes nD



Robert Ae Conard, HeDes ERDA

Repe Cuarles Doninakx, Concresa of Hicronesia
Reps Ataji Polos, Conjress3 of Micronesia
Sen, Olympian Borja, Conwress of ticronesla
Insite Ade Oscar Dobro, harshalls

Fred Zeder, Donte of Interior (U3)

i Seoe Trusteeship Council, United Nations

Aplos Fios = Iroij (Gic2)

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