Greenhouse to Mocraw


Lave to he made TS ort them to Maauro: and their lodqing and cubsistarnce needs would
have to be proviaed for witil Spring, 1979.
Rew housing on Exit lgtaud could alleviate

part of tne Ludging problex by February.

Wec at Majuro in Becenber 1978





his ception is possible only wath smevediate and heroic effarts on our part to


WET at Keatalcin tn Decerper 1978

transport personnel and equipment into the field, it shares tw logistics problems
Getailed in option 1, In addition, some means will be required to transport the WBC
trailer fru Haiuro to Kwajalein, There is no real scsentific sdvantage in making
these measvrements in Becemocy; out we recognize that the “politice’ cf the situation
couid demar:d ree body burden .nfornation before February 1979.

Counting et Kwajalein exchanges one problen for another. We eliminate the necd
to transport tne WOO trailer to Macuro, but wae now have to transpyrt ans lodge the

¢GOounting evbiectse at Keagalain, Ted Hurawski indicated when we discussed this option
last that dodging at Kwajalein for more than @ small croup of Bikinsans (perhaps
15 to J2 at a tims) would be nearly impossible. Also, this option restricts us to
Bikasdans already 6t Majure Atcll, or it shares the problem with the Mill residences ef
Giscugsca din option 1,


WSC at Pils (Salwit} in Sprang, 1979 or Larer


Theoretically, the problems of ship transportation and winter seas will no longer

exist, thereby allowing relatively easy atcéss to Bikini residents on Majuro Atel) cr

Wits. Counting of the Mili residents would bese be done in & sheltered anchorage such
8s the lagoons at laluit or Masure Atoils. In either case, the lodging and scbsistence
neess of the Kila people will have to be addresecd while they are away from hose. Tris
Option incers several additional months of delay in obtaining a second round cf pod
burden informstion,

Uring Bisdassay at Fajuro

requires whe knowledge of body burdens and loss (excretion: rates,

EE ee ee

The coliection of 24 hour lor longer) urine samcles will be coupled with any hole
body counting cfforts as standard practice, since the determination cf dose comiitaents
Wovever, inferences

can Le msde as to body burdens from excretion rate data, particularly now that the
populatson no longer has a signafacant radionucsiide inteke, and the approximate tome

of removal from “risk” is known.

The option of obtaining ¢4 hour urine samples from

Ejit Island residents for body burden estimates is open to us at any time. Vrine ¢o)lections trom Kili residents appear to be possibie only between the third and fourth
voyages ot the Carsline Islands to Rili.

If this option is desired, immediate arratce-

Bents will have to be made to get sample containers and personnel to Maduro while shi

transport to Mili is scald availarle.


ine bey issue an these considcrations is the desirability of counting Eakinians
cther than thase presently residing on Edt Ysiand, Mbjuro. Distad beBrur coulis
pYovace NUE with the names of the Ejic residents sp that we can make an EVELUATION as
to how ‘representative” a sampling they are of the former Bikini population. If ool
COMMA LIEB Loguire counting of essentially ai) of the Bikhinians, imsediate action must
be taier ts tianapsrt these residing at Kili to an accessible place {e9. Majero); ana
t.eis Joszane and subsistence needs must be attended to until next spring.

oe ae

FO ar ee

Te ne Renre















Select target paragraph3