detonations at the NTS and the EPG. These shots, however, were fired under a wide range of
conditions; for example, variations of soil type, moisture content, and height or depth of burst
‘ (HOB). This complicated the correlation and enabled numerous curves to be drawn to fit plotted
points without a sufficient number of points under one condition to make a statistical analysis or

to determine and understand deviations.. A need, therefore, existed to collect all shot data and
if possible reduce them to a standard condition, (i.e., soil, yield, and height of burst).
In order to reduce existing data to a standard condition it is recognized that many assumptions

will have to be made and in many cases arbitrary factors used, especially on the data from the
EPG. Much of this could be eliminated by high-explosive testing. Through a series of small
high-explosive tests in homogeneoussoils it might be possible to isolate certain soil properties


Select target paragraph3