The medical charts were of 50 subjects exposed to 175 rad at
Rongelap Island, 12 excosed to 69 rad at adjacent Ailinginae Island,
and 4 exposed in utero.
According to the medical charts, all except those exposed in utero
complained of the same acute symptoms as those experienced by the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki immediately after exvosure, such as
radiation burns, decreased blood count, nausea and epilation due to
radioactive fall-out.
Among those exposed to 175 rad, 19 under age 10
and all 10 over age 31 had burns and all 10 between ages 21 and 30 had
decreased blood count (see table).
Subsequently, spontaneous abor~
tions, stillbirths and hematemesis have been occurring repeatedly, and
recently visual disorders, cataract and "aging phenomena" have become
< note is the fact that differing from Hiroshima and Nagasaki
more than a half of them have develoved thyroid disorders including
This is due to the large intake of radioactive indine after
irradiation through drinking water, etc.
It was learned that 13 of
the 19 exnosed to 175 rad had all or part of their thyroid gland
removed by the Americans and were making up for the loss of thyroid
function by taking hormones regularly.
Besides, 5 of the 20 persons
who have died so far were cases of leukemia and cancer of the genital
The vrofessors of the Atomic Disease Institute, Nagasaki University School of Medicine who have seen the charts, and the physicians
of the Red Cross Nagasaki A-bomb Hospital who have administered medical
care to the 2 islanders, say, "Development of cancer and leukemia can
be expected to continue in future."
However, according to the islanders the present situation is that
no specialist is permanently stationed on the island and they have to
get by with health examination and administration of medicine about
once a year.
"Rad" is a unit of measurement of absorbed radiation dose.
‘is said that exposure to over 100 rad in a short space of time will
cause death or such diseases as cancer and that when exposed to over
800 rad all will die.
US to Make Full-scale Study on Residual Radiation Soon
According to Micronesian Assembly sources, the United States
Government will conduct shortly a full scale residual radiation survey
on the Bikini Atoll and surrounding islands of the Marshall Islands
which had been the nuclear testing ground of the United States from
1946 to 1958.
The US Government had proclaimed 8 years ago that the
residual radiation on the Bikini Atoll was "safe." However, voices
requesting a full-scale reinvestigation heightened subsequently among
the still worried former residents of the Bikini Atoll, and the matter
had develoned to the point where a lawsuit was instituted against the
US Government at the Hawaiian Regional Court of Law in October last
This is a case where the US Government was pressured into taking
action by the islanders' power.
The expense will be 1.5 million
dollars (about 459 million yen).
Reportedly, it is the wish of the US
Government to complete all studies by the beginning of next year at the


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