
The most appropriate time for release of the announcement

wos discussed ond in the light of existing plans for the KING

it wos decided that the afternoon of Sunday, November 16,

would be the moct satisfnictory and that departures and the dispatch
of mail from the test site would not be delayed,
The question of a supplemcntury statement expressing the
Commission's concern regarding the published letters of JTF-132
personnel was raised, and it wis decided that 4 final

decision on the contents of the statcment would be deferred until
the following day.
Mr. Zuckert suggested that the information and security
policy thi.t will be pursued by the AEC and the factors determining
that policy ought to be communlented to Congressmen Durham and

Cole and Senator Hickenlooper, snd arrangements to accomplish
this were considered.


\pproved by the Commission: Jans 8, 1954,

Select target paragraph3