
alinginne ..toll; 10 March 1954

Sifo Island:


Wativo property, left by people who were visiting from

Rongelap Islend, was protectod against the weather, All clothing, tools,
etc. were pliced inside a canvas sholtcr on top of drisd prlm fronds, md
covered with additionnl canvas,

(b) 4 thirty foot sailing schooner was moved to 2 safo mchorog@ in the lee of Sniuetakku Island. The boat was anchored in a sandy spot
in the event thit it should sink, Benching was improacticcole due to the
limited time availsblo,

Enibuk Island:


intensity levels taken.

Bokonikairu Island:


Native property secured,

Uninhabitated - intensity levels taken,

Navigation and genorel information:
as” Rongelep. Atoll:

Entrance can be made quite readily through South Pass and iorth


Landings can be readily made on all isl-onds by motor wholebdoat.

east Pass. ‘West Pass
because soundings are
good, The Small Boat
to see and .xppears to

shows quite plainly, however, no oass2ige was attempted
not adequate. Noavigationsl fixes, using tangents were
Passa.:e in the Northwost part of the atoll is difficult
be very dangerous when heavy swells are running,

Qn most of the islands the beach eradient wis quite stoep, peraitting ersy
beriching of boats. “ sharp lookout should be mnintainod at 211 times for
coral heads and dark, yellow, or dark green, wrter should be cvoided,

b.Bikar «toll:

Bikar Island Passage is very difficult to find snd psssrize

through the Lagoon is difficult even for a small boat.

.. 1 nding was

made with very little difficulty in the lee of Bikar Islind .t low tide.
It wrs found advisable to put the bow of the boat 2agcinst tho reef, which
rises steeply at low tide, end let the party wade ashors, The water is

kmec deep rt this
be carefully watched.

period of thy tide.

3ackwasn from the reef should



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