(f) All livestock appeared to be in good condition.

It is

velieved that sufficient water will be available although + shortage of
food is expected to develop in the near future.

(g) Water ond soil samples wero taken as directod by Task
Group 7.1 personnel and intensity levels were taken,

(2) The islnnds listed in sub-pzragraph (3) through (15) care

nll uninhsbitated except for prrties of natives that go from Rongalep to
make copra, collect sex birds and fish. There was no native property
found, Intensity levels were trken by Task Group 7.1 personnel.


Enircn Islond.


srbar Island,


Busch Island.


Enialo Island.


Eniesetok Islend.


Anidjet Island.


Knbelle Island.

(10) Eriiripou Island.
(11) Lukuen Island.

(12) Gejen Islrnd.
(13) Lomumilal Island.
(14) Aerik Island.
(15) Waen Islrnd.
b, “Utirik Atoll; 9 March 1954


Itirik Island:
(n) Three canoes were beached above high water mark,

Select target paragraph3