the Unite States Government will, of course, report to the United Nations on
the pclitical, economic, social, and educational advancement of the

inhabitants of the trust territory.

Full information will be ineluded about

the welfare of the people of aniwetok Atoll who will move to new homes, the

sites of which will be selected by them.

All possible measures will be taken

to ensure the people of the area will be subject to no danger and to @
> minimum of inconvience.

“There are attached hereto, for the information of the Security Council,
copies of two press releases on this subject issued on December 1, 1947, by
the Atcmic Lnergy Commission of the United States,


Aecept, Excellency, the renewed essurances of my highest consideration.


Mr. J. A. L. Hood

President, Security Council
ef the United Naticns.



Select target paragraph3