by people living and growing food on the southern islands and by people

living and growing food on Enjebi, respectively. An appropriate combination
of these patterns reflecting the spatial distribution of the population is used

for the final evaluations in Tables 5-6 and 5-7.

The contributions of radionuclides in coconuts,

pandanus and bread-

fruit, and other components of the Enewetak diet are given for e&ch of
several island groups in Table 5-9. The islands are grouped in decreasing
_order of follows:
Bokoluo to Boken plus Bokombako
Mijikaidrek to Van plus Biken
Jinedrol to Kidrenen

These data were used in the construction of area weighted food and island
contributions to the internal dose estimates in Column C of Table 5-6.

Variation in the time of exposure among foodstuffs influences the
cumulative internal dose. Asa period of about 7 to 10 years is required
for the maturation of seedling pandanus, breadfruit, and coconut trees,


and few fruit bearing plants are now available on Enewetak Atoll, these

foods can not contribute to the internal dose until the maturation period

has passed.

For sirnmplicity, the maturation period is assumed to be 8

years in the calculation of doses for Tables 5-6 and 5-7.

Values for. the lung dose contributions are.comprised of two
components: dose from inhalation of plutonium and whole body dose. In
every case of Table 5-6, the magnitude of the inhalation dose is insignificant
compared to the whole body dose. Estimates of inhalation dose to the lungs
were based on the data in Table 204 of NVO-140,

1973, using living

Gy Aner +

patterns Iand II]. These estimates are noted in Table 5-6. Due to the
small magnitude found for the plutonium contribution to the lung dose, the
time dependent character of the inhalation dose is not significant to the ©
calculation of maximum annual dose,
. External 30-Year Doses. External dose contributions from
gross gammaradiation fields of different isopleths on different island
groups are listed in Table 5-10. Area weighted averages of the exposure
rates of isopleths and of the external dose estimates by island group areas
were used in determining the external dose contributions to the estimates
given in Table 5-6.
The sources of external exposure are assumed to disappear by their
nuclear decay alone. No credit is assumed in the estimation of integral

.doses for any removal irom the local environment by weathering or other
natural processes.

Select target paragraph3