"AEC Task Group Report but are not considered in the alternative programs

in this EIS. These more adverse Task Group Report combinations are
extremely unlikely whenconsidering historic living patterns on the atoll and
the stated preferences of the Enewetak Atoll people for use of the various

Furthermore, it has been determined that consideration of these

‘other combinations would increase already unacceptable doses bet would
;not change the acceptability of recommended alternative programs.

Table 5-6 lists estimates of deses absorbed over a period of 30 years.

These estimates can be considered the higest that any generation would

The maximum annual doses listed in Table 5-7, include recogni-

tion that the maximum for each component cof radionuclide contribution to
total dose occurs at different times during the 30-ycar period. Data and
methods used to obtain the estimates in Table 5-6 and 5-7 are discussed

' in Paragraphs through

Comparison of these results with the dose guidelines recommended
by the AEC Task Group Report, 1974 (see Table 5-3) is shown in. Table 5-8.
This comparison is given as the ratio of estimated individual dose to the
appropriate dose guideline. For habitation plan A with cleanup actions I or
Il, the maximum annual whole body dose for an average individual on the
atoll is about 20 percent higher than the AEC guideline. For habitation
plan B, the maximum annual whole body dose for an average individual is
well below the AEC guideline; but for an individual residing on Enjebi, the
whole body dose under these conditions is estimated to be 20 percent higher
than the AEC guideline. For other combinations of cleanup actions and
habitation plans, the maximum annual doses are well within the guidelines
' recommended by the AEC.
Regarding bone doses, estimates for habitation plan A exceed the

AEC guideline of 0.75 rem/yr, except for cleanup action III, even when
the distribution of population is taken into account.

For habitation plan B,

the bone dose appears to be satisfactory in comparison to the guideline
except for an individual residing on Enjebi. Other combinations result
in maximum annual doses well within AEC guidelines. Internal 30-Year Doses. Data for internal doses to whole body
and bone are presented in Table 5-9. These data were used in developing
the estimates in Table 5-6.

In addition, data from Tables 1 and 2 of the

AEC Task Group Report were used in deriving these estimates. In
particular, living patterns A and Din Tables 1 and 2 of the Task Group
Report were used for estimating whole body and bone doses in Column B
of Table 5-6. These patterns correspond to life styles likely to be adopted
by people living and growing food on the southern islands and by people
‘living and growing food on Enjebi, respectively. An appropriate combination
of these patterns reflecting the spatial distribution of the population is used
for the final evaluations in Tables 5-6 and 5-7,

Select target paragraph3