5.5.6 Case 5 - Unrestricted Living, Food Sources and Travel, Total
Cleanup of Residence and Agricultural Islands

In addition to the removal and replacement of soil on Enjebi as in
Case 4, Case 5 provides for the removal of soil to specific depths on Lujor,

Bokoluo, Bokombako, and Kirunu. The islands designated for agricultural
development in the Master Plan (Tab D, Appendix) would als@ be treated

to a soil removal and replacement operation similar to that described for

Enjebi. There would be no restriction on living patterns or food sources
in Case 5 (Figure 5-5).
~ Habitation Plan.


If the actions to be described in Paragraph°

would achieve a level of exposure reduction as large as the calculated...


result, the entire atoll could be used in accordance with Table 4-1, ,@ab Dy Apeey}


Agriculturally, this would mean that pandanus and breadfruit

_ would be permitted to grow only in soil having a

4.6 pCi/g.

would apply:

“Sr content of less than

Assuming that these conditions would be met, the following

The people would be able to live on any island in the atoll~wee

Coconut, pandanus, and breadfruit could be cultivated on those
_ islands designated in Table 4-1.
Domestic meat could be raised on any island.
Coconut crabs could be collected on any island.
Wild birds and bird eggs could be gathered on any island.
Interisland travel would be unrestricted.


Lagoon fishing would be unrestricted.

Cleanup Actions.

The following cleanup actions would be under-

taken (removal and replacement of about 779,000 cu yds of soil is involved

in these cleanup actions):

Removal of physical hazards from all islands.
Removal of debris and structures obstructive to the use of the

land by the people.

Removal of unsightly debris.


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Select target paragraph3