Cleanup Actions.

up the atoll:

The following actions would be taken to clean


Physical hazards would be removed from all islands.


Obstructions to development of habitations and agriculture
would be removed.




Radioactive scrap would be removed from all islands in the
Boken, Lujor, and Runit plutonium concentrations greater

than 400 pCi/g would be excised and all other concentrations

between 400 and 40 pCi/g would be dealt with on an individual
basis. Concentrations of less than 40 pCi/g would not be
disturbed. Cleanup of Pu is expected to be performed
iteratively until a sufficiently low concentration level is
attained. Some 79,000 cu yds of soil would be involved in

this removal.


Plutonium would be removed from the three burial crypts on


ama pmtormoushite


Unsalvable nonradioactive material would be disposed of by
dumping in the lagoon at selected locations for forming
artificial reefs.


Radioactive materials would be disposed of as discussed in
Section, namely by containment in Cactus and, if
necessary, Lacrosse craters on Lujor. Conclusions. Case 3, by virtue of the fact that it requires
removal of only the most seriously contaminated materials, is less
expensive than succeeding Cases 4 and 5. Although this case recommends
that Enjebi not be utilized for habitation, it does impose far less stringent
' limitations on interisland visitations and the growing of commercial crops.
With respect to the latter, it provides for the clearance of obstructions
which would deny use of some of the land. Case 3 also provides for the
removal of contaminated scrap to negate the possibility of any reaching the
world's markets. Although Case 3 is composed of all actions described
in Case 2, it also provides for further actions in establishing and
maintaining radiological safeguards.


Select target paragraph3