
5.5.2 Case l - No Restrictions onIsland Residence or Food Usage.
No Cleanup
In this case no cleanup action would be taken. All nonradioactive
. scrap and radioactive materials would remain in place. Two mutually
exclusive possibilities would result, i.e., (1) not to return to the atoll
or (2) to return.


If the islanders were to return to Enewetak Atoll,

they would be exposed to the possibility of injury to themselves and their
children as a result of hazardous debris and exposure to residual radiation,
none of which would be cleaned up. The possibility of injury from radiation
exposure would be predominant as Case 1 imposes no restriction on
sources of food, whether terrestrial or marine, and no limitations on

traveling or location of habitation (Figure 5-1). Under these conditions
it can be expected that the radiological dose to the people would exceed

the recommended EC

cubhowia. Grids

x Conclusions. In view of the existing hazards to which the
Enewetak people would be exposed.should they return to the atoll under
Case 1 conditions, it is recommended that they do not return.
5.5.3 Case 2 - Living, Terrestrial Food Sources, Travel, and Cleanup’
Restricted to Southern Islands
Case 2 would establish the requirement for a long term quarantine
of certain islands in the atoll. With a quarantine in effect, the radiological

dose to the islanders would be well below the ERDA guidelines, but if

access to certain islands, especially Runit, were uncontrolled a potential
for radiological exposures exceeding the Crivampaavould exist.




Habitation Plan

Residences restricted to southern islands, Jinedrol through
Kidrenen, and the same limitation imposed on interisland

All terrestrial foods including birds and bird eggs would be
grown on or collected from the southern islands only.


Coconuts for subsistence or for copra would be grown only
on the southern islands. Any use of coconuts from the northern
sector, Bokoluo through Runit, would be specifically prohibited.


Domestic animalsand fowl for consumption would be reared

only on the southern islands. —



Select target paragraph3