
Keeping the Office of Test Operations, ALOO advised of all
rad-safety activities.


During the non-test periods the contractor is responsible to the
Director for:


Making periodic radiological surveys and proper marking and
mapping of contaminated areas.


Operating a H&N dosimetry and records section, and issuing
of monthly and quarterly radiation exposure reports.


Holding exposure of employees engaged in construction, support,
recovery, salvage, or removal of contaminated materials to the
lowest possible dose.

In all cases the dose must be less than

the allowable 3.0 r (gamma only) for any consecutive 13-week
period and less than 5.0 r per calendar year.


Furnishing monitors as required.


Repairing, maintaining, and calibrating of radiation
detection equipment.


Requisitioning repair parts and supplies as required and/or
directed by the AEC Rad-Safety Officer.


Procuring, issuing, and decontaminating radiological rafety
clothing and supplies as required.


During test periods the contractor is responsible to the CTG 7.5


Select target paragraph3