(2) liaison with CIG 7.1, CTU-6, on radiological safety matters
prior to and during Pacific Operations.


Recommendations to the Deputy CIG 7.5 on procedures in the

event of fallout from anuclear detonation and decontamination methods when determined necessary to protect health

and safety of TG 7.5 personnel.

(To be coordinated with

CTG 7.1)


Recommendation to the Deputy CTG 7.5 for evacuation of TG 7.5
personnel in the event of fallout.


Rad-Safety Assistant is responsible to the AEC Radiological
Safety Officer for:


Periodic check of the contractor's operation to insure compliance with rad-safety procedures.


Aid in training of contractor's employees on radiological
safety activities and procedures.


Act as an advisor to the Eniwetok Branch Chief on radiologi-

cal safety during interim period.



Observing, reporting, and recommending changes as required
on operation of the rad-safety organization.

(5) During the test period the AEC Rad-Safety Assistant will
continue to supervise the contractor and assist in coordinating
the rad-safety support.


Select target paragraph3