
The policy and procedures regarding information to be given

AEC contractor and sub-contractor employees concerning their
radiation exposure is soon to be published in AEC Manual

Chapter 0525, “Radiation Exposure Information for Employees."


Section O4 of this chapter sets forth uniform practices which
are as follows:


Radiation status of an employee shall be made available

to him at his request.


Each employee shall be informed each year of his total
recorded whole body radiation exposure dose from external

radiation accumlated during the prior twelve month
period if it exceeds the permissible cwmulative exposure
recommended By the NCRP.


Special notification shall be given following a reasonable
period of time to permit verification, to an employee who
receives any of the following:


A total recorded whole body externalradiation exposure dose during any consecutive 13-week period
greater than the quarterly permissible exposure
recommended by NCRP.


A body burden estimated by the best technique available to be equal to or greater than one-half the




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