

Respiratory protective devices will be maintained at a
contamination level less than 1 mr/hr (beta/gamma) or

100 ¢/m/55 cm* (alpha).

Equipment or vehicles, alpha contaminated to levels

in excess of 5,000 ¢/m/55 cm® will be decontaminated by
mobile equipment in the field.

ad. Entry into fpvsctret jreas during the Operational Period.
(1) Entry f all 1% 7.5 personnel into contaminated areas
will be controlled by CTG 7.5 through CTU-6 Rad-Safety


H&N personnel will be allowed to return to work in shot
areas according to the radiological situation.

The TU-6

Rad-Safety organization will set up check points at the
Helicopter Pad, M-boat Landing, and Personnel Pier to
control traffic into the contaminated areas.

(3) No person will be permitted beyond the check station
without a proper access pass, stating the purpose of the
entry and precise location to which the entry wild be


Entry into a contaminated area will require an access
permit which will be issued by the Plotting and Briefing

Officer TU-~6.


Select target paragraph3