
and leave szall circles (holes) in tha main test bed /on Aontn/ and on

cirele on adjscent isiond, Rea ining crater cirelas ar: the procesed crater

shots. If acvroved tna testa will tuxa about six montnos to acconplisa <aeny
Said, At tia end of tis progr... us Aateri
can o@ pub back in tue test

bed, After the movies i will s--ak acount toa game of tna ways tas islands
con b9 restored.
Slidas of a.:plosion erfacts on bird life were shown. This asoumtad to m

acai ssion baae birds in 223 t2:6 araa (as plottad) world dia. This a:nin was
mininizgsd 4: if to rasssura t73 ancienes tia. Little dase 3 would bs cons.
In tas watt3 aroa (ce orchlone) 32.3 of t23 birds would ba killed, jJutsaice of tha
circle no birces would bs sifee ad ancy stated tnequivocallys Ths tasts would
bs done evar & Six nomuh oeriod, one avery two wosise cach tast would only
effect ths birds arsund tie taste he assured the acdien CeEND.

Henoy stated that ecurts ay tua University of icwall 373 Catormined that
only a few hundred oird3s would o3 <illed. Ugually on ‘Soda thers are oni:
& few birds. Ths cirds ara usually on anjebdi end wa wouldn't conduct ths
tests on anjebi. Slicss wore snow or Largs flocks of birdg.

Eenny tnen talked bhowt tie effacts of tia tects on marines Life. Hs said

that air blasts em aiso eiiecs or ELLE rish. Ulices vers shown with circles

plotted wiera fish would ba killai if in the areas at tas tinis of the blasts.
Onl; closa to Sne norviorn @acs of tha ighlaacs would fisa ve arrectod seuny
assured tio acvdivuncebecause tie snots fexplosiors|/ on tie rear would bea

held at low tidade
WoTst wenny did not describe or discuss ths effacts on molluses (cls, atc),
Living corel, Luongusia, fish ens, omall fry, or fish im tids sools on ihe
rosf at tus tie


S23 eKoh j5L00Se

Hemry emphasized the allezation that very few birds would be killed because

there ars very fsw birds in tus tect araae ise reiterated tne allesation tnoat
4f the sooty tom poculation ware in tua beat aroa tha TACs pro-waa would not

ba concicted. Ye clatied tiat only two or three hindrod birds wouldbe arfectad.

Henny repeated tre areas whears t::3 ILsh would be attracted by the blasts and

| again claiied tiat it tus ariecis

were not minimal the tests would not be

hald there.

ve discussed tie question of tha affect of thea tests ucon the water lens

of tiie islands of the

test arsa. A shiug was skowm snowing a water lang,

cross ssct:son urainin?with potaole and sea water areas outlined.
Airforce scientists fié2zain unnausdTF tell us that it would taxe nins months
for tas Lens to roduild atter it nad baen oroken cenry assured tha 2roud.e

Sasples taken of wator in tne craters show that tha watar Lens heve now teon

affectod by the tests. sven if thay were arrected, by filling in

tno craters

the water lens would r2turn to its orisinal condition within nins nonths as

A slLida was then show which “enny explained as tiie cross-section which shows

how a crater can be restored. Tie overourdan /~oiL/
soil can bs brought in he stated reaisgurinzly.

ae ee eet ee


can be filled in. fop


. veer -

Select target paragraph3