

aLo -

PACS is badl Ina reason 1% is bad, the reason ig no good. Ask sob

Henny and tioge with hire
I suzzest that Sod Len-y tases the bomb) to Oscar De Brum without him knowing


it, and sé3 wat na G3yYe 1L G2 satvs uv dees not Like it, it is the sane wits
the ceonle of Snawetec. wigs 4a :gcar would mot Like tas bomb to dastroy nis
housa neitcer cs wa

wont tne comes to c2 stroy our hone.

We don't want Usear ts mow in suvance that you are taxing ths bomb to his
house. I want you to toxg one of sn033 beubs you hava on sasuvebak and see his
reaction, Seo how ne Losls aosive

J want to acd to what the “aistrate and atLer svueakers have said:

PACS igs bagi
h3 rezzon it 45 bad is kocause it is noison. 1% will costroy
our atoll. uncwatak is alreacy roiscadde rACu Will maka it more polaunoude

J wish to conclude the avating because these gantL.asn [PAcz

eificials/ hava adequately di :ested una> wa hava said. wa wans to amin ask

Bob Henny aid bis group to ratum aid take this word to ths Scerstary of Usfonse:
Stop PACS inmnediately snd co not contincethne orotectl Lo not continue itt
Jf the wrons wora3 have coun said br aiy of oir sseakers earlicr I wisa to

correct tact, mda want «you to tare this messaze back: Ja do not want ~aCcal
And wea asic you to take this word bass: ia doa not want >ACes; Tor we are powarless.
I again ask fob Yenny: wails you ara

efi VP


wane nae
¢. beh wa


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ht ott


dP ecledtall

eis ew

Whedbee bd

walidins, talkinz, and SLeacing, thas you

tae bale
Swe ee

be ce





tlannat acer

tf Td wr Wied 7



Tice own oe

ater, ee

d@aring offic r: IJ take Sucietal notice that all soaakers so far hava been
psopvie of unewatas (Ujila:iz). 1 also taxa juuicial notices trast all adults
presant wer: at tha previous naetinss held hora.

I also thaxk you for tie warm recaytion +o ths islad.

Grant Reynolds: Junanar:gad¥Eha messaze that the people of Enewotak want us
to take back to Washin tone 1% 18 cloar to m3 that vou have: studed the papers

andtha intormation <iven you, and thas you understand them, and that your

- MSSS2768 ist WIAGA cACL.

geo underStanains ig tnat your feelinzg is fren ad rooted fron tha lmd of

a@watax and you co nov Want it subtectad to Lurthar sxvlosions.e
Iowas osked by Secretary -7 Lefenge or.usauans and ASJ3istant secretary of
The Air Force
<9 aucirtain wias tus reslinzs oF wns snewatax ceocle
Ge i 2avVa guinariaeda to tha best of my Mmowlhedge: you don't wantthe provran.
If I am wron::, pleais let nao know.
in conclusion, wa will bs hascy to Listen toany quastionstrat you mayhave.

Thamk you for thea courtesy with which you hava Listened to us over the past
thres dayse

iearinz Officers Thank you for your hospitality. The hearing 4s racassed
end will naat in denolvlu on April ‘ourth,

ads a fow concluding remarks and explained ths recess to

thos Engratak reaple.

G3 then said: Las ug end with a sonz. Ve are sorry becacss there ig cnly a

Little handicrart./for sifts to the visiting group/ 16 is not enoush. wa

dicats know thors would be so way reéopls. i arnavs you ..arshailsss fri sitora/
Won't need this, only ths Ausricans.

- pos ARCHIE 1

Select target paragraph3