
a |

Ve retained and otudied, et lest initially, in the seme crec.

This will

a ecabined laboretcry building end animal house at e shere bicod

installation in the test erea.

Such a feceility could be established In sone

lerge Quoncet hut or T-~53 Buildings srd would provide working ssece for the

entire biclosical sroject deserisad above.

condition the building for the test

It might be necescary to air



This should invclve a con~

sicsrable amount of pre- and post-test work in the test erea by indivicurlis
conceztied with the virloeus experiments.

The number of memicls contemcicved

er test is around cne thousand and n-t over two thousend.

Mice don't tike up

much room or require tremendous quantities of food, so the logistic xrcblem

se oration for any vresesed tests should begin with cn
Gully ace ption of « plan
ef ex.erimernts to be done, with the jmediate

inlvioGlor of vor: ti: secure -relsently unknown deta, and to crovide eeerunts

fool ler and serviennuzl to vigorevsly execute the acopted plen of sctioa.
x duties must be on a ful. time besis

avid have no eduiticne? funetions to

exrform, such as rediolorierl ssfety

It is estimuted 1% + the comelete ororrem outlined in this

paper could ke au:scuted oy no ucre then tventy blologists, and srobsbiy
less, in the tess area,

Select target paragraph3