

Meny persons will p:<sent other plans or fragzents of

plans, some of which will have merit.

lor example, it may be thet sericus

consideretion should be given to the usc of selected micro-organisms


to the testing.





cause of the ease with which stasisiiceily significant data ern be ottained.
In viev of the hizh resistance of most uicro-organisms to ionizing reci- tions as
compored to thet of kigher forus, their usefulness would probably be lirited
to arecs closa to the


might make thig imprectical.

It would appecr thet blest and heat demese

It 1s well to caution, however, thet many

olens will be provosed which may well be of grecter financial and snatiel

mazsnitude then this, but these should be exemined with extreme caution.
A smell, coordineted series cf tests, run upon a sufficient number of test
gotistically simificent yet not unwieldy, will be a much

enent with more gritifying end justifying results.

which are not well "calibrated" and cannot be

ea3sity shielded from blest or radiation, testing certein physiologtesl,
peychologiccl, or eytologicel resucnces which ere not yet quantite tively
esteblished vith exectness, or other crocecures of grecter magnitude but
based upon less well understood reactions would be e waste of time, money,
effort, ard space.
A sonsicsretion af the facilitiss envisioned as necessary for a
program euch at abuv2 srovosed séears aotopos at this point.

As fer as


the corn rroblen is concerned, this reauires only the procurement of
eufficient corn seed prior to exbork:tion for the testing site, the peckeging
thercof, exposure,oni collection for retumm to oerticipeting istitutions.
As far as thse Drosophile., Tradeccantia, end memmalien studies are concerned,
a little more elaborete orgenigs tion and frecilities mst be availatls.


get well stabilized test srimals cnd flies, they should be eacclimeted’ in
tne test clincte well in advence of the to ts.

ffter the tert, they sheuld


Select target paragraph3