

Getotien predace dimage umexecced Lem laborctcry inform.tion.

It should

be heve peinted out thet many cf the biclogical effects regerted or observed
upon orgenisms ot Hiroshima, Magcsakd, end Bikini for exceeded these which
would bs expected on the besis of data availeble from instrumentation at
rinity ord Bikini, es extrapolated and interpreted to arees in the actual
bombed cities.

Whether this re_rzsents a decreased instrument sensitivity

or response due to icn saturction sonditicns, merkedly incrcesed biclogical
response to the seme shsnomenon, other operative mechanisms, or a esbinction
of any or 211 of the above res‘ons2s i3 rt sresent en wnansvercd qvostion.

There is considerable nesd for further laborrtory work on fest exposures.
Data from more closely controlled ololocical and physiccl tests apeer
imperative to answer this problem.

Fro,er cerrelation and comrerigzon of these

tecting methods might give mutually sudporting date.
Vell Teelibrated"

tost orgonisms at present 2, e-r to be mice, corn,
If a second memmalion s_eciss 1p esral

Dresopnila, and Tredescantia.

mercctory sonsiderable "eallbrotion" work would heve to be dene veguralec

of ths choice of msemel to be used.
rats, hemsters, or gvinsa pigs.

Tre choice would probdzbly ve Yetcrem

It is not believed th: t oufficient deta

exiats upon the response to radinticn to consider other orgenisms



Acceptense of this view rules out dogs, cats, geats, shscn,

end swine as test orgarisms.

Due to the confusion concerning secific

tissue or organ systcm quantitetive res.onse in mewmils, the best


for observetion of these mammals :culd a,;-ear to be seute leth lity, longevity

es reflected in the mean life span of survivors of acute lethal effevts, and
possibly genetic studies of theses survivors.


Memmealien exveriments visuvlined tien consist of exposure of rersonably
sarge but not unwielcy groups
of sice fend perhars one other merrel to de

esiscted as above indiceted) in im:edicte proxieity to physie 1 mearuve-


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