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were measured, heavy fallout areas down-wind from the blast

areas with intermediaz-

@nd non-blast, Low

fallout areas where the Lowest expoture rates were measured.

The location,

code name and year of each announced

nuclear weapons test

From the locations of the tests it can be seen that

the blast areas

include the wesez

on tip of Eneman, Lomilix

near the center of the Aomen-Iroij Comolex,
western reef near Nam.

and the north-

Since the prevailing winds in the

area are generally in a westerly or southwesterly direction,
the heavy fallout areas are primarily the islands of the
southwestern reef.



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(2) have been indicated on the map in



ure rates,

There were exceptions to the normal

wind pattern, however, most notably for shot Bravo in 1954

when unexpected high altitude winds carried fallout eastward
over Bikini Island and on to the Marshallese natives of
Rongelap Atoll.

Thus some of the non-blast areas, which

include the islands of Bikini, Eneu, and the eastern half


experienced lesser but not

insignificant amounts of local fallout.


The island of Eneu

See pee pomp ane

of the Aerokoj-Eneman Complex,

Select target paragraph3