The following subjects were discussed:

JCAE Insurance Hearings

(pp. 2-3)

Mr. Mitchell said the JCAE had requested that the Commission testify
on the question of hazard insurance for atomic energy facilities on May 14
rather than May 15.

The Commigsioners indicated that this schedule would

be agreeable to them.


Operation REDWING Report

(pp. 3<5)

Colonel O'Bryan briefly reported on the status of Operation REDWING.
He said that Senator Pastore, the only member of JCAE attending the
CHEROKE® Shot, had departed earlier in the day for the proving grounds.
He also reported that the weather looked favnrabie, and that the test

facilivies and experiments were ready for the LACROSSE Shot, and that
the UdiROKEE Shot was schedulec for May 7.
Mr, Salisbury then reported on the arrangements for public uedia
coverage of thc LACROSSE and CHEROKEE Shots.


AEC 639/4 ~ Proposed Modification of Union Carvide and Carbon
Corporation Contract

(pp. 5-9)

Mr. Hollingsworth reviewed the proposed Unicon 7% .rbide and Carbon
contract modification which would incorporate into one modified contract
all the contract revisions that have occurred since 1950.

This modifica-

tion would .ncliic all the standard contract language approved by the AEC
since 195C, «ould remove provisions no longer neeued since completion of
the evpane’c. programs, and would strengthen the AEC's posit.on in

claiming state ta: exemptions for Carbide's contract activities.


added that no chuize in the fee or scope of the contract was proposed.

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