
May 20, 195k


Dr. JohnC. Bugher

"How much land was in any way damaged?

the extent and kind of damage?"

What was



There was no land damaged outside the test area,

fallout that occurred did not damage the land ip“Me sense
that it could not be reinhnabited or could not“be used for
agricultural pursuits, Except for possibly the miinhabited
northitn islands of Pongelap Atoll, all of the islends
could be re-entered safely in the near future by personnel
wno hed not previously experienced significant rediavion

Since the indigenous inhabitants have already

received some radiation exposure, it has been ceemed wise
not to allow them to return,until the activity has decayed
to an insignificant level.

The amount of activity in the

soil dcoes not constitute a fiazard to the growth and edibilily of plant life,

Qvestion h{c).


< rayKG
‘what was the extent of sea area, including lagoons

and surrounding open sea, contaninated or otherwise
affected? What were the effects? How lasting are
they? Will any areas require cecontanination? Is
tmiere any way of doing this?"

Answer. Tne azount of activity in the Eixini and Enivetok lagoons
would make it umvise to eat fish from these waters without
moniiering Pirst, at least for the present.
The activity
in the otner lagoons end in the open sea is so shall that
no celctcrious effects may be expected to the fish thenselves nor will the edibility of the fish be impaired.
No sca areas need decontamination. Certain land areas
might be covered with an inactive material such as dirt,
but this procedure is not reconmended nor is it really
necessary Since the activity on practically all of the
islands will be at a very low level in a few months.

/Footnote continued from previous page/ amount of activity in the

body will remain constant due to equilibrium conditions with intake
of activity. Also to be considered is the fact that the calculated

beta dose to the thyroid was about 200-500 reps.

Select target paragraph3