
configuration may be peculiar to o specific vehicle, ‘it should not be restricted

from utilizing its capabilities for tho development of that woapon.



Written guidance to the ABC members of the Group on tho subject of

. compatibility states as follows:

“Here it seems logical that where the

characteristics of the vehicle are predominant in the problem, the responsi“bility for compatibility should rest with the builder of the vehicle.”
“words are subject to two possible interpretations.


One is that the designer

a tho vehicle is responsible for modifying the vehicle to make it compatible
with the warhead or woapon.

The alternate interpretation is that the wording,

"responsibility for compatibility" implies that the control rests with tho
Service having primary interest in tho weapon systom and includes also the
control of development of those components of the weapon or warhoad which
affect the performance characteristics of the vohicls.

The Group considors

the latter interpretation as the only practicable one and, consequently, fcels




, +

that in such a case as that of an externally carried weapon on high speed air-



craft where tho shape of the aerodynamic case of the weapon mterially affects



“the performance of the aircraft, the agency responsible for the airoraft


development should have the prerogative of cither dictating the development

of or actually doveloping the case.

Similarly, where the delivery techniques

of the carrying aircraft or missile predominate, the fuze performance must be
compatible with such delivory techniques. Compatibility
will always require



compromise aclutions. It is certain that tasks in the above arcas must
necessarily be the subject of separate negotiations defining responsibilities
and insuring overeall integrity of design.

The AEC indication that military assistance is contemplatod in the

area of compatibility of weapons with vehicles and suggestion that the
responsibility for compatibility should rest with the bullder of the vehicle




when the characteristios of the vehicle predominate in the problem are con-

sidered logical, particularly in view of the fact that the increasing complexities of vehicles and their systems scem to far outweigh tho difficulties in
creating a satisfactory warhead.

However, compatibility should be used in a

broad sense and should encompass the compatibility of a|


ENERGY ACT CF 12 8 spoumemettorm=nrere



Select target paragraph3