


instrumentation for structural loading by the NAS, Patuxent, and very extensive
instrumentation by NRL for a great variety of purposes.

Buazer, Buships, BuOrd, and Naval Research have contributed extensively

- to instrumenting full scale tests in the field by supplying cr developing instru‘ments and techniques.

Some examples of Naval assistance in this field are:

. equipment for collecting air samples, long-range detection, measuring blast,
er movenent, alpha, transit time, neutrons time release, heat, ionizing radiation, the effects of radiation and blast, structural loading and scaling criteria.
Many other special sensing devices, indicators, recorders, analyzers, and computer
have been specifically developed for the ANC with NOL and NRL contributing most o:
the effort.



A large percentage of range instrumentation uscd in atomic weapon work
has been provided by the Navy.


Burd and NPG have supclied high-speed cameras,

_Askanias, chronographs, pressure guages, etc.

NRL has, in addition to other work

developed new tclometering techniques and equipment which are extensively used.




C )



AERODYNAMICS ~ BuOrd supolied assistance and facilities for sero¢ynamic



testing during the war and subsequently has done much work on the Mark 8 and the




It has personnel on the Sindia Acrodynarics Board.

tunnels among its facilities, such as the six at NCL.

BuOrd has many vind


Buacr has speci2l competenc

to conduct subsonic ind supersonic wind tunnel tests of weapons and airplance
weapon combinations, and te conduct flight and laboratory tests either statically
or dynamically at the Naval ajr Test Center, Patuxent.

Through the Buder, air-

craft and pilots have been made available to the Sandia Corporation for conductin:
aerodynamic as wcll as ballistic and compatibility tests.
BALLISTICS - In cennection with ballistics th: Navy has performed drops and
has done much instrumentation for the ASC at Dohlgren, Inyckern, and Salton Sea.
In addition to conducting thuse tests the Navy has the compctency and appropriate
computers, such as those at Dahlgren, to reduce the data.
VIROi ‘MENT WL TESTING - All branches of the Navy possess a great variety


pot ge BRGY ACT 1948 -






Select target paragraph3