

fissionable material or atomic energy a8 a miAT

except as may be authorized by the Commission, Nothing in
this subscotion shall be deemed to modify the provisions of
Section 4 of this Act or to prohibit rescarch activities in
respect of military weapons, or to permit the export of any

such equipment or device.”

It is evident to the Group that “devolopment" with respect to

- "equipment or device utilizing fissionuble or atomic energy as a military
@ern" is not included in the list of operations which are unlawful unless
authorized by the Commission.

Since the act docs not prohibit "research

activities in respect of military weapons," the Department of Defenge can, in
the opinion of the Group, lawfully enter into both "research and devolopmont"

as defined in subsection (ce) of Section 18 of the Act.

Furthermore, the term

“equipment or dovice utilizing fissionable material or atomic onergy as a

military weapon" as construed by subsection (f) of Scction 18 4s interpreted


by this Group to apply to the nuclear portion, less the capsule, as it is


Cormowtod earlier in this report.
oe) way from prosecuting


Apparently the military is inhibited in


research and development of any cquipment or device

utilizing fissionable mterial as a military weapon, and certainly is not
prohibited in research und development of the many possible varicties of









Coordination within the Department of Defense + As the Services

increase their assistance to tho AZC and initiate projects of their own in
the atomic weapon program, 1% will become necessary that the tasks and phasos

be fully coordinated.

Although individual competence exists in the scparate

services for the accomplishment of most developments, there is at present no

overeall Departmont of Defense agency with authority to accept, allocate and
coordinate tasks now being porformed by the AEC.

There is little doubt that

the lack of a definitive, authoritative and quick-moving organization in the
military has retarded military participation, has resulted in military offort
‘being subordinated to a civilian contractor, and has been a fastor in the
military's dofaulting to the ABC in stipulating the configuration of weapons.


er: aOi ENEREY ACT OF 1948



corinne >t

Select target paragraph3