HSAs JMMikew

December 30, 1958

Or. Robert A. Conard Jr.
Medice! Division
Brookhaven Mettonal Laboratory
Associated Universities, tac.
Upton, Loag Island, New York
Dear Dr. Conard:

~~ nod Om@aclesiag.a.corracted,teble.ofthe deta on theMarehell .. .
tstaad food samples. The correction only eppiies to the celculation of the overall jfevel of Stranttum-90 Ia the diet.
This figure should heave been celculated at ebout 300 Strontium

Hon sshd

Units rather than 900,

ta addition, the teble hes been somewhat rearranged but rone

of the original date hes been cheaged.

Dr, Dvantag hes questioned the relative calcium valves found
on these gad previous surveys, ia gelag through pest date tt
eppeers there have been some large
apeeads fa calctum velve.

Part of thie has been due te lack of @ staaderd wet weight

basis end t feel thet the present seaptese which were carefully

prepered te represent the food es eaten are the best we have.
ta any case, the usuel comparisons are on the basis of Strontiom
Uaits aad ! know thet these, of course, would not be changed
stiace both calcium and strontium are ceiculated to the same



joha H. Herley, Chief

Anelytical Braach

b. Table


ces ‘Ce. be Dunham, DBM

G. M. Dunning, DBM (2)






$..B. Whitney, HSA



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