

Ys there still radiation in the ground? How longwill it last?

Yes, butit is safe. Wedon’tknow howlongtheradiation will be in the ground
Ae ee

but it gets weaker and weaker as time goes by.

4 >...

Ej wor wot ke poison ilo bwirij? Ewi to in an ber?
Act, ak ejab nana. Kim jaje ewi toon an naj ber ak ¢j majnolok wot ilo ien ke

Lio ej kualkol auknuk

Woman Washing Clothes
It ts like dirty clothes. Ifyou wash them andlay them in the sun the dirt andpotson will come
away, The ground ts too big to wash like clothes so the sun andthe rain does it for you.

im boipin ko renaj jako. Kinke ailin kane rellab kwojab meron in kuolt
einwot ke kwoj meron in kuolkol nuknuk kinmenin, al im wot rej kuolt.

Elane ej wor wot poison ilo bwirij in ailin kein, etke ejab mo an armij etal non
Poison eo ilo bwirij erik im eban kakure armij. Ejelok jorrenilo joke ilo ailin ke°



im mona monakoie.



If the radiationis still in the soil of these islands, why is there no restriction of

people movinginto these islands?
Theradiation in the ground is weak and will not harm anybody.Itis safe to live
on the islands and eatthe food.

Einwot nuknuk elton, Elane emwij am kuali im nuknuk kopejeikietton, meer

Kwojkiwoj in mone tyn Rongelap

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