
Secretary Wilson, who was able to view a part of

the tests first-hand, expressed his personal congratulations
and those of the Department of Defense to all personnel who

worked so diligently to bring Operation REDWING to a

successful conclusion.
"That this series will have farreaching effects on national defense, and constitutes an
invaluable contribution to the progress in preparedness of
our nation is already evident," he said.
"The teamwork
and leadership, both scientific and operational, displayed under changing conditions of weather and operational
contingencies are highly commendable.
This fine example
of cooperation in such a complex operation indicates that
it is possible to blend both the scientific and operational
aspects and bring out the best performance in each."
Chairman Strauss said:
"The nation owes much to
these men of science and industry and the armed forces.
Their combined efforts have substantially advanced the
security of this nation and the free world by developing
new knowledge which will add to the power and the flexibility of our nuclear armament against aggression."
Besides Admiral Hanlon, the Joint Task Force

senior personnel includes:

Dr. William E. Ogle, Deputy Commander for
Scientific Matters
Rear Admiral Leonard B. Southerland, Chief
of Staff
Major General John C. Macdonald, Deputy for
Rear Admiral Joseph H. Wellings, Deputy for
Brig. Gen. Perry B. Griffith, Deputy for Air
Dr. Gaelen L. Felt, Commander, Scientific
Task Group.
The nuclear experimentation and design for the test
devices was carried on by the Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory, headed by Dr. Norris Bradbury, and the
Livermore Laboratory, headed by Dr. Herbert York.
Both are operated for the Commission by the University
of California.

The development work on non-nuclear


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