

(a) Contracting Agency's Duty to Safercuard Restricted Data, Ete,

In the performance of the wrk under this contract the Agemy shell,
im accordance with the Comission's security regulations and requlree

mente, be responsible for safeguarding Restricted Dats and other

Classified matter and protecting agairat sebstace, eop‘onace, loss
end theft, the classified documents, asteriels, squiraent, processes,
etce, s# weil as such other material of high intrinels or strategis
vaelce ag my te in the Agency's possession in cormection with pere
formance of work unter this contract, Pxce t as otherulse expressly
provided in the specifications the dgescy shell won completion oF
terminestion ef this contract tranmit te the Cariisaion any classified
matter in the poasassion of the Agency os amy person under its control
in corection with performrnoe of this ecntrect,.

(vo) Regula tions, The trency agrees to conform to all security


requirenenta of the Commission.

(c) Definition of Restricted Data,

The ters "Restricted Nata,*

ax used in this article, mosns all cata concerning (1) docign, manu

facture, or utilisation of stomic wasporsy (2) the rroduction ef
Special miclear materials or (3) the uso of speciel muclecr material
in the rrocuetion of encorgy, tut shell not include dats declassified
or-renrreé from the Restricted [ata catecory rarsumt te section 142

of the dtorie Energy Act of 195.

(4) Securkty Clesrance af Pereamele Exoept as the Comiscaion
may authorise,
atonte Energy Act ef 199:, the
Agency shell oot pernit any indiviausl to heve accesa to Roatricted
Date until the designated invastigsting epency shall have mace en
investigs¢ion and report to the Comission on the chiracter, azsocie

ations, md layalty of such individual] and the Camvissior shall hive
Ceternined that permitting such indivicusl te have access to Eestricted

Date will not esdancar the comion defence ani security.

this raragrech,

As used in

the tara “desicrated investirating agency“ nems the

United States Civil Service Comission or the Pecarsl Bureau of In

vestigation, or beth, ss determined rursurnt to the provisions of the
Atenie Energy Act ef 95h


(e) Crinined Ltsbiltty. It is uncerstood that disclocare of



work or serrices eycecred hersander to

any person not entitled to receive it, or failure te assfeznard any

Restricted Data or any top eacret, secret, or confidentisl] matter
thet may coms to ths Agency or any person unter its eontrol in

cennetticn with work udder this contract, many subject the agency,
ite agesis, employees, ard subcontructers te eximinal lisbility under


Select target paragraph3