
(6) The Agency aball be responsible for the maintemuce

ard ecfecuariing of all the foregoing until snch tine
as custedy ahall be taken by the Comission,

~ (a) Cost ent property recerds will be established anf maine
tained as prescribed by the Casrission,




(a) Whenever any invention or ciscevery is mide or con

ok atlasthi
connectiom withthe vor.
iB see oe
ef this epreensnt, comilete informetion thereon shall be furnished

to the Comission and the Cemsission sill hove ths sole poser te.

dcteminge whether of not and when a potent application shall be filed
and to determine the clerosition of the title to end the rights unter

any ecplication or patent that msy result. Ths
Cewii:gion on those mtters shell be actepted as fins] ant the ane
p) iodinebeeroder stenibainth nlbeeatiasiieintOewi ars

Sim. co
things hecessary or prover
the Casiiasion, tocluting aiding the Cow.ission (et Government expense
ty pracer arrancoment) 4n the prosscutton of eprlicatiores for the
patents end in the ceferee of the Covermunt’e richts in any country,

(b>) Mo clain for peruniery sward or comrensation unter the

previgioss of the Atonic Encrgy Act of 15.5 ard 195) shall te asserted

ty the Agency, its emilayress, or consultants with respect te any inveition or ciscovery mde or conceived in the courage of or in
coneetion with any of the cark umier this egreensnt or unter the
terme of this sgreaent.

(c) Except cs authorised in writing by the Camnission, the

Agency will obtain patent

to effectuate the purveses of

the foregoinr paragraphs (a) and (b) from its esployees and con

eultanta (excest much clerical and manual lsber personnel es will
not Reve sccass to technical data) who rerform any part of the work

usder this acrement, and will insert rrovisions siniler te the
forer ‘tc in all other contracts entore: inte for performance of
wark callec for under *his agrees.

(4) In erier thet the rerulatio-s of the Apency may be made

applicatle to inventiors, discoveries, ar imroveants, in which

the Cossiasion detern.nes that it does - ¢ desire to file or retain
ali rights, the Comission agrees, 1£ requested ty the Agency, to
inform it ag to oll such invecticne, cisroveriss end Iaprevesente
reorted to the Comiaaion hervunier which do mt involve clessified
form. tios op Restricted Data, amt the re-ulations of the éfeucy shell
be arniicalle thereto.

Select target paragraph3