otherwise agreed to in writing, it is understood that
the cost of the wrk performed under this egreenent will not exceed
$13,000.00. The Agency agrees to notify the Comission if the total
estinated cost of the work ap-ears to be deviating from the original
estimate by 10% In the event that additional funds over and above
the arproved estimete will be required, the Agency will prepare ani

wabmit to the Commission a revised budret estimate containing a came
plete explanation and justification for the increase.


Rotrhursement for Costs

Subject to the linitstions ani conditions otherwise specified
in this contract, the Comission shall reimburse the contractor for
setual costs incurred in the contract work for per diem and travel expenses of personnel engaged in the wrk, services, supplies and

equirsient, and such other direct or Indirect expensns necessary or
incident to the wrk as the Commiesion may avrrove oy ratify,




Advences of Funtés,. Funis, within the limite of tha total
amount shown under article 1, will be a‘vanced by the Comiesion upon
submission by the Agency of a Standard Form 10f0 voucher. Ary mr;lemental request for advsnce of fan's must be supported ty a siztenent
showing the use of funcis already advenced and justificotion for
additional funta required,

be lip atiors Assuaed


When the amount obligated ty the Agency for carryirg out the

work requested by the Corpmission shall equal the amount the Comission



has acvanced therefor, the Agency shall not te expected or required
te incur further obligations uwiess the Cosmfasion shall first scree
to advance additional fanis, nor shall the Comission be obligated
to reizburse the Agency for oblirations teyond that exncunt.
Financial Revorts

As soon as possible but not later than 15 deys after the
Close of each month, the Agency shall furnish tha Comciasion with

a written financial revort ir: such form on the Comission shzll

Select target paragraph3