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activity wed (ahto activation of stable elements by neutred eagture (fer

cumple, te8 ew). Using the increased y-activity on the ground as

an ints of Till ccotentuntion tn eposed forage, I?) ingeeted by enttle
end subsequently appesriig in milk can be estinnted.

The amcunt of ean-

taminated feed consumed needs to be lmow unlesethe correspondence between
pectivity on the ground and I) activity in the milk can be established

for a similar incident under the same farming practices.

Game eeasure-

ments were wade by othere during the 1962 incident. then (if7) thgse
tots ere released it should be possible to eetiante tte 17? eating fren
previous incidents by this ssthod.
The Utah State Departeent of Health began daily sexsurenente@ |
gross beta concentration in air et Suit Lake City im 1956. Sp. Great 3.
Winn hes ands these complete sapesde putijable te an.

Gualip oix wee

Gomm themagh 0 filter continseeslyfer ict 1 hewre. fm Ge tise

gate ware bee-commead9fN68'8 etalwitt Qevatly £-FTomaetan.

tests. ttecua2
11 tecegredduringponte = ww

particularly helpful im cociguing at cumertretionte pletiigill sali.”
Additional air beta eesesrenente have been ande im Utah hy other


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