For this voyage, heavy equipment lifted the whole body counting trailer
on to a low boy trailer and brought it to the pier to place it on the LCU
despite specific instructions on the work order to load the medical trailer,
It seems they are not attentive to details.
Other problems with the trailers include the fact that the new Teflon
door hinges on the bunk trailer have begun to split thru and these will need to
be replaced,

All the new door locks on the bunk and whole body trailers are not

usable due to corrosion.

Some preventive maintenance might solve this problem.

The bunk trailer had its floor replaced before the trip due to water


damage, yet no attempt seemed to have been made to seal the leaks,

The ship's

crew was required to spend a cay sealing the roof of the trailer from rain.
The airconditioning vents leak and water streaks on the walls are evidence
of other sources,

The mefical trailer despite its run down condition still functions
well with no new problems,
Another problem occurred at Kwajalein efuring the trip.

ERDA 1, the

Boston whaler used to travel to Ebeye was removed from the water for engine

In the course of picking the boat off its trailer by the Gnall Boat

Marina staff, the boat was dropped resulting in significant damage to the hull.
It is understandable that accidents will happen.

However, it is only right that

any such damage be reported to the ERDA coordinator or physician at Kwajalein,
which was not done in this case.

The damage was discovered ten cays after my

return when an inquiry was made as to why the long delay in returning the boat
to operation.

The problem now is that there is no fiberglass supplies to repair


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