Providence, Rhode Island; Pueblo, Colorado; Rapid City, South Dakota;
Reno, Nevada; Rochester, New York; Roswell, New Mexico; Sacramento,
California; Salt Lake City, Utah; San Diego, California; San Francisco,
California; Scottsbluff, Nebraska; Seattle, Washington; Spokane,
Washington; St. Louis, Missouri; Syracuse, New Yorks Tonopah, Nevada;

Tucson, Arizona; Washington, D. C. (Silver Hill, Md.); Wichita, Kansaa;
Williston, North Dakota; Winnemucca, Nevada; Yuma , Arizona.
Although this collection system provides important scientific

data, it does not provide immediate information on fallout levels,

since the samples must be mailed to the Health and Safety Laboratory
and counted there, Information is provided more quickly by two
other monitoring networks, one consisting of 38 stations established by the U. S. Public Health Service and the other consisting
of monitors at 11 Commission installations. The USPHS monitoring

station locations are:

Albany, New York; Anchorage, Alaska; Atlanta, Georgia; Austin,
Texas; Baltimore, Maryland; Berkeley, California; Boise, Idaho;
Cheyenne, Wyoming; Cincinnati, Ohio; Denver, Colorado; El Paso, Texas;
Gastonia, North Carolina; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Hartford, Connecticut;

Honolulu, T. H.3; Indian-polis, Indiana; Iowa City, Iowa; Jacksonville,

Florida; Jefferson City, Missouri; Juneau, Alaska; Klamath Falls, Oregon;
Lansing, Michigan; Lawrence, Massachusetts; Little Rock, Arkansas;
Los Angeles, California; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Mercury, Nevada;
New Orleans, Louisiana; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Phoenix, Arizona;
Pierre, South Dakota; Portland, Oregon; Richmond, Virginia; Salt
Lake City, Utah; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Seattle, Washington; Springfield, Illinois; Trenton, New Jeisey; Washington, D. C.
The AEC monitoring station locations are:
Berkeley, California ~ Radiation Laboratory, University of
California; Cincinnati, Ohio - General Electric Company, Aircraft
Nuclear Propulsion Department; Idaho Falls, Idaho — Idaho Operations
Office; Lemont, Illinois - Argonne National Laboratory; Los Alamos,
New Mexico - Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; New York, New York New York Operations Office; Richland, Washington - Hanford Operations
Office; Oak Ridge, Tennessee - Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Rochester,
New York - The Atomic Energy Project, University of Rochester; Salt
Lake City, Utah-- Radiobiology Laboratory, University of Utah; West

Los Angeles, California - Atomic Energy Project, UCLA.

The Public Health Service established its country-wide monitoring system in 1956 in connection with the Redwing series of tests at

the Commission's Eniwetok Proving Grounds.
activated for the new Nevada series.

The system has been re-

The Public Health Service monitoring stations make
ings of radioactivity and forward the data to a central
office in Washington. The stations also report data to
Health Officers of the states in which the stations are

daily readcollection
the State



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Select target paragraph3